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We all have insecurities, and sometimes those stubborn pockets of fat can dampen our confidence. No matter how much you exercise or maintain a healthy diet, some areas of fat are resistant to your efforts. 

If this sounds like something you've been concerned about, keep reading to find out more about the science behind body contouring treatments and if it's the right choice for you! 

Our team of hyper-knowledgeable and friendly staff at ZEST Face + Body is here to help you every step of the way! We have written this post to help you learn the behind-the-scenes of CoolSculpting treatments. You'll learn information about how body contouring really works, how to maintain the results of the treatment, and how long the results last. 


How Does Body Contouring Really Work? 

shutterstock_1278061651 Before diving into the science behind CoolSculpting, it's important to learn what type of fat the treatment can target and eliminate.  

There are two notable types of fat: subcutaneous fat, aka "fluff," and visceral fat- found deep inside the belly. CoolSculpting can eliminate subcutaneous fat, not visceral fat.  

CoolSculpting works through the process of Cryolipolysis. This technique involves freezing a localized area of fat to effectively kill 20-25% of subcutaneous fat at a time. The fat is less resistant to this level of freezing temperature compared to other cells in the body, which means our skin is left unaffected by the treatment.  

Once the fat cells are dead, there is no chance of them coming back, which is why CoolSculpting is considered a permanent fat reduction treatment. 

Subsequently, the dead fat cells are naturally destroyed by the body through waste elimination in 4-6 weeks after treatment. CoolSculpting results are visible 6 months after treatment, with an average of 25% fat reduction on the specific area treated. 


How Long Do Body Contouring Treatments Last?  


The thing about our fat cells is that we don't accumulate them; the amount remains stable throughout adulthood. Rather, they simply expand or shrink in response to changes in our diet, exercise, and lifestyle habits.  

When we consume more calories than we burn, the excess energy is stored in our fat cells, causing them to increase in size. In contrast, when we burn more calories than we consume, the fat cells shrink as the stored energy is used up. 

CoolSculpting permanently destroys these subcutaneous fat cells, which means the results last forever. However, it is still possible to gain weight in other areas of the body where fat cells remain. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, is important to help prevent the growth of fat cells in other areas of the body. 


What Else Can You Expect from a CoolSculpting Treatment? 


It is not a weight loss program 

The technology targets fat that is considered "fluff" weight, which is the type that doesn't add to your weight but adds physical volume.  

CoolSculpting is a great treatment if you're 10-20 pounds heavier than your desired weight goal and you would like to sculpt specific areas of the body, like the abdomen, upper arms, inner or outer thighs, flanks (love handles), or chin.  

It's a breezy treatment 

CoolSculpting requires minimal preparation or downtime.   

During the treatment, your CoolSculpting specialist will attach an applicator to the target area, and the cooling process will last 30-45 minutes per side.  

There is no pain or discomfort during the treatment, so take this time to relax. You can set up your remote work, study, watch a movie, catch up with loved ones or even nap!  

After the treatment, the area will feel slightly numb for a couple of days, but it will not hinder you from your daily activities. You can go to a spin class after this treatment. 

Expect a minimum of 2 sessions to see results 

A minimum of two sessions are needed for a dramatic reduction. We always build a custom and unique plan for you based on your body, your goals, and the outcome you are looking to achieve. 

Initial results appear within 2-3 months 

Expect to see initial results 2-3 months after the treatment, with the final results showing at the 6-month mark.  

Although, by having a second CoolSculpting session four weeks after the first treatment, you can achieve 78% more fat cell reduction in comparison to 20-25% reduction with one session. 


ZEST Takes a 360-degree approach 


Our in-clinic body contouring treatments are pretty amazing, but we're all about the whole package. We're talking abs made in the kitchen, baby! That's why we'll work with anyone to create a 360-degree treatment plan that includes healthy habits and lifestyle changes that will support their in-clinic journey towards their best self.  

--Zest Medical Aesthetician 


Maintaining your body contouring results is all about leading a healthy lifestyle. It's essential to stay active, eat whole foods, take hydration seriously, and sleep well.  

Another important note is to be mindful of anti-inflammatory drugs after your treatment, as this will negatively impact your progress. 

You can target your "double chin" too! 

Belkyra can be another great option! If you didn't qualify for CoolSculpting simply because there is little fatty tissue under the chin, then Belkyra is your next best solution. 

This treatment is Health Canada-approved and is injected by a trained physician or nurse injector. It uses Deoxycholic Acid, a naturally occurring substance in our digestive system, to permanently break down fat cells. The number of treatments depends on your own submental fat distribution and goals. 


Contact ZEST to Learn More About Your Body Contouring Options  

We would love to assist you as you take a step towards achieving your body goals. Our friendly body contouring experts take a purposeful approach to every consultation to make sure we are giving you the best-personalized treatment possible specific to your goals, budget, and timeline. 

Request A Consultation

Book your complimentary consultation today to kickstart your body contouring journey!  

Post by ZEST
June 20, 2023
