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Our bodies come in all shapes and sizes, all beautiful in their own way. They carry the imprints of our lived experiences, whether it’s through pregnancy, lifestyle changes, the natural aging process, or weight loss.

Skin tightening and body contouring are popular treatments for managing these natural changes and remaining comfortable in our own skin.

So, what are the differences between these two methods? And which method is right for you?

If you're in the market for coolsculpting in Ontario, look no further.

At ZEST, we prioritize the education of our patients. While we strive to deliver exceptional care, ensuring the safety and efficacy of our treatments, we equally emphasize the importance of providing comprehensive information. Our goal is to empower our patients, enabling them to make confident decisions regarding their body contouring and skincare journey.

In this article, we aim to explain the difference between skin tightening treatments and CoolSculpting. By understanding these differences, you can determine which treatment aligns with your specific goals.

 Let’s jump right in!


Skin Tightening vs CoolSculpting

ZEST-Skintightening-coolsculpting ontario

To begin, it’s essential to understand the specific targets of these treatments. Skin tightening targets loose or laxed skin while CoolSculpting targets stubborn pockets of fat.

A helpful way to determine this is by asking the following questions: Can you easily pinch the area you wish to treat? Or does the skin roll or fold when you attempt to pinch it with your fingers?

  • If you answer pinchable: it’s CoolSculpting.
  • If you answer “it rolls”: it’s skin tightening.


Skin Tightening at ZEST

Skin tightening treatments are non-surgical cosmetic procedures designed to enhance the appearance of loose or sagging skin. By utilizing heat or energy-based technologies, these treatments stimulate collagen production, resulting in firmer, tighter skin over time and with a series of treatments.

As our body's natural collagen production declines with age, skin tightening treatments revitalize the skin's foundation, restoring youthful contours and natural radiance.


Radiofrequency Treatment

Our Alma Accent or Viora Reaction devices utilize radiofrequency (RF) technology to deliver controlled heat energy to the deeper layers of the skin. The heat stimulates collagen production, promoting skin- and rejuvenation.

This versatile treatment can be used on various areas of the body, including the face, neck, abdomen, arms, thighs, and buttocks. It is effective in addressing loose or sagging skin, cellulite, and body contouring concerns.

By stimulating collagen production, we are able to increase the connective tissue network in our skin. This is the foundation that helps the skin tighten back to the body. Improving collagen production strengthens skin, preventing pockets of fat from peeking through which causes cellulite or helps tighten skin to improve laxity.

Results from the Alma Accent or the Viora reaction treatments are usually gradual and cumulative. Multiple sessions are often recommended for optimal outcomes. There is typically minimal to no downtime, allowing you to resume your regular activities immediately after the treatment.


CoolSculpting- Permanent Fat Reduction at ZEST


CoolSculpting, unlike radiofrequency skin-tightening, is primarily designed for volume reduction by targeting subcutaneous fat cells. It employs a process called cryolipolysis, which freezes and eliminates targeted fat cells through controlled cooling. This treatment offers a top-tier non-surgical and non-invasive alternative to liposuction. CoolSculpting is a great option if you’re not ready to go under the knife or if you can't afford a prolonged downtime.

It is not specifically intended for skin tightening, although some tightening effects may be observed as a secondary benefit. It is commonly performed in areas with localized fat deposits, such as the abdomen, flanks (love handles), arms, thighs, and double chin.

coolsculpting arms before and after

CoolSculpting results in a permanent reduction of fat cells in the treated area. However, it does not provide immediate skin tightening effects. Results can take several weeks to months to become noticeable. Similar to radiofrequency treatments, CoolSculpting has minimal downtime, enabling you to return to your daily routine promptly.

Interested in learning more about CoolSculpting? Check out our article on "Maximizing Your CoolScupting Results"!


Which Approach is Best Suited for You?

Skin tightening and CoolSculpting are used to address distinct types of body contouring concerns. If your main concern is skin that is loose or sagging, skin tightening treatment may be the best option. In contrast, if you wish to address pockets of stubborn fat, CoolSculpting is more suitable.

However, to optimize body contouring results, a combination of both treatments is the gold standard. Skin tightening treatments will stimulate your natural collagen to tighten target areas, while CoolSculpting can give you an improved silhouette through volume loss.

“By taking a holistic approach that tackled both the abdomen and flanks, we achieved some seriously impressive results. And to top it off, we added skin tightening treatments that lifted and restored elasticity to create the ultimate transformation.”

- ZEST Treatment Provider, on one of their best body contouring results

To determine which treatment is best for you, it’s important to consult with a certified treatment provider. They will evaluate your specific goals, assess your skin condition, and recommend the most suitable option. Factors such as your desired outcome, treatment area, and personal preferences will also be considered.


Start Your Unique Skincare Journey with us at ZEST Face + Body Clinic

Book a complimentary consultation with one of our treatment experts to get a personalized treatment plan- exclusive to you!

With our multiple locations across the Greater Toronto Area, starting your body contouring journey has never been easier!


Post by ZEST
August 14, 2023
