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Unlocking the Benefits of a Facial: What You Need to Know | Zest Face + Body Clinic

Written by ZEST | Apr 6, 2023 2:20:51 PM

What is a Facial?

A facial is more than just a luxury spa treatment. It's an investment in your skin's health and appearance, offering numerous benefits to help you achieve your best complexion yet. Whether you're looking to soothe and hydrate dry skin, minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, or reverse sun damage and other signs of aging, a ZEST facial can help you get there. With the right treatment and products tailored to your specific skin needs, you can experience a noticeable improvement in your skin's texture, tone, and overall health. 

Why Should You Get a Facial?

Facials not only provide a relaxing and rejuvenating experience, but they can also promote mental peace and give you a more youthful appearance. The combination of stress-free relaxation and refreshed, radiant skin creates a wonderful self-care moment that you can easily replicate at home with the guidance of a dermatologist. They can advise you on the products and techniques you can use after your facial for continued success.

Some of the many upsides to facials include:

  • Increased circulation under the skin decreases puffiness and helps rid the skin of toxins.
  • Deep cleansing that cannot be achieved with everyday drugstore products.
  • Anti-aging effects.
  • Relaxation of the face, body, and mind - allowing you to feel your best.

Understand Your Skin Type

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recognizes five main skin types: oily, dry, normal, combination, and sensitive. To go into further detail:

  • Oily skin causes the skin to appear shiny and feel greasy, predominantly in the areas of the nose, forehead, and chin due to an excess of sebum. People with oily skin tend to have fewer wrinkles but more acne and enlarged pores.
  • Dry skin means you produce fewer oils, causing your skin to appear rough, flaky, and dull. Dry skin can feel tight and dehydrated, making it more prone to fine lines and wrinkles. 
  • Normal skin feels neither too oily nor dry but is still prone to imperfections.
  • Combination skin means you can have oil in the typical areas like your nose and forehead but experience dryness in your cheeks. This skin type can change and be affected due to many factors, including hormones and the weather.
  • Sensitive skin can apply to all skin types, but it can result in skin appearing red or feeling itchy or dry.


What to Expect 

While preparing for your facial is dependent on which treatment you have done, you should be ready to relax. You will have to cleanse your face with special instructions for specific treatments, or the esthetician will wash your face for you.

Then, depending on the chosen facial method, your clinician will perform the treatment. 

Effects of a Facial

Fine lines, acne, sensitivity, and skin ailments such as rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis can be treated, and you will feel relief during and after your facial from these impurities. Your skin cells will be renewed, and the blood circulation under the skin will improve, decreasing puffiness and getting rid of toxins. 

Some benefits and effects of a facial include:

  • Relaxation of the mind, face, and body.
  • Deep cleaning to unclog pores and treat acne.
  • Exfoliation catered to your unique skin type to eliminate dead skin cells.
  • Toned and tightened skin to reverse signs of aging and puffiness.
  • Increased circulation to bring colour back into your face.
  • Customized skincare advice from the clinician, including a routine to follow once you leave the clinic. 

Medical vs. Natural vs. Drugstore: Which Skin Care Methods are Best?

Choosing the correct skin care methods can be daunting, with many available options. Medical, natural, and drugstore products have pros and cons; the best choice ultimately depends on your skin concerns and needs.

Medical skin care products, such as those offered by dermatologists, are often more potent and can deliver more significant results. They are formulated with higher concentrations of active ingredients and are ideal for treating specific skin conditions, such as acne, hyperpigmentation, and aging. However, they may also come with more potential risks and side effects and may require a doctor's prescription.

On the other hand, natural skin care products are becoming increasingly popular due to their focus on using safe and gentle ingredients derived from plants, fruits, and minerals. These products are often more affordable and may be ideal for those with sensitive skin or looking for a more eco-friendly option. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of natural products may vary, and some may deliver different results than medical-grade products.

Drugstore skin care products are readily available and offer a wide range of options at affordable prices. They may be suitable for those looking to maintain healthy skin and may be ideal for those on a budget. However, the quality and effectiveness of these products may vary, and some may contain ingredients that can irritate or harm the skin.

Ultimately, the best skin care method for you depends on your skin type, concerns, and budget. It's essential to consult with a dermatologist or skin care professional to determine the best approach for your individual needs.

Preventative Methods for Acne, Fine Lines, and Wrinkles

To ensure a youthful and radiant complexion, preventative measures play a crucial role in minimizing the visibility of acne, fine lines, and wrinkles. Here are some steps you can take to protect and preserve the natural beauty of your skin:


  • Always Wear Sunscreen: Protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays daily. This is the most critical step in skin care, as sun exposure can cause fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, and even increase the risk of skin cancer. Make it a habit to apply a broad-spectrum SPF 30 to 50, regardless of weather conditions, to create a barrier of defense for your skin against damaging UV rays.


  • Learn To Love Retinoids: As a derivative of Vitamin A, they have become a popular ingredient in anti-aging skin care products. These potent compounds boost collagen production, leading to firmer and smoother skin. Additionally, retinoids stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, resulting in improved skin appearance and texture.


  • Stay hydrated by moisturizing regularly: Just as your body needs water, your skin requires hydration to maintain a youthful appearance. Aim to moisturize twice daily to help prevent wrinkles and provide your skin with the nutrients it needs. Opt for a moisturizer that contains hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C to help flush toxins, plump skin, and prevent the formation of wrinkles.


  • Stay hydrated from the inside out by drinking plenty of water: Not only does water help rid your body of toxins, support digestion, and regulate body temperature, but it also keeps your skin hydrated, promotes clear skin, and helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Make it a habit to drink enough water (roughly 15.5 cups daily for men and 11.5 cups for women) for a healthy and youthful complexion.


  • Get your beauty sleep: Sleeping on your back helps keep your delicate facial skin from coming into contact with potentially dirty pillowcases, and investing in a silk pillowcase is a smart move for the health of your skin and hair.


  • Quit smoking and minimize alcohol consumption: Smoking wreaks havoc on collagen production, weakening the skin's structure and flexibility. The nicotine in cigarettes also restricts blood flow to the skin, depriving it of vital oxygen and nutrients.


Ingredients are Key

When it comes to achieving the best results for your skin, knowing what's in your skin care regime is crucial. Selecting products that contain the right ingredients can effectively nourish, protect, and rejuvenate your skin. Here are some ingredients you should consider incorporating into your skin care routine:


  • Retinol improves the look of wrinkles, fine lines, and signs of aging.
  • Hyaluronic acid hydrates the skin for dewy results.
  • Niacinamide improves discolouration and texture while controlling oil.
  • Peptides help support the skin's protective barrier. 
  • BHA/PHA exfoliating acids break down skin build-up for clear pores.
  • Squalane moisturizes your skin for smooth-looking results.
  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant that brightens, firms, and decreases the appearance of dark spots.
  • Lactic acid exfoliates and smooths out uneven texture.
  • Collagen fights fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity. 


Best Facials For Rejuvenated Skin

Revamp Your Skin with IPL Photo Facials Unveil a more youthful, radiant complexion with our innovative IPL photo rejuvenation treatment. This procedure harnesses the power of light to correct the effects of sun damage, restoring your skin's natural beauty. 

Our treatment targets the surface of your skin and the layers underneath, reducing the appearance of brown spots, broken facial veins, and other signs of aging.

Post-treatment, your skin may be slightly red, but this will subside within a few hours. Over time, sun spots and other impurities will darken and eventually fall off, revealing a clearer, more even complexion.

To maintain your results, it's important to avoid direct sun exposure for the first week after your treatment and to always wear sunscreen. Book your appointment today for revitalized, glowing skin.

Radio Frequency 

Radio Frequency facials involve the use of non-invasive heat energy to stimulate collagen production, resulting in tighter and smoother skin. This treatment creates a "healing response" in the body, revealing a more youthful complexion. With a variety of options available, you can choose the right radio frequency treatment that meets your specific skin needs and desired outcomes.


Microneedling involves the use of tiny needles to create tiny punctures in the skin, resulting in the stimulation of collagen production. This non-invasive procedure can help to improve the appearance of acne scars, dark spots, wrinkles, and enlarged pores, leading to smoother, firmer skin. As it is minimally invasive, it requires little recovery time and is considered safe for individuals in good health.

Discover Your Ideal Skin Care Plan with ZEST 

Take our ZEST quiz to help us understand your unique beauty aspirations, lifestyle, and more! Based on your quiz results, we'll create a customized plan that will help you achieve your desired skin goals, now and in the future. Our team will consider your budget and needs, providing you with honest advice. Book your appointment today for revitalized, youthful-looking skin.