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Wrinkle Relaxers for Men: Addressing Male Facial Aging | Blog | Zest Face + Body Clinic

Written by ZEST | Nov 30, 2023 10:50:58 PM

Wrinkles can often become more than just a sign of aging; for many men, they can impact self-perception and confidence. Looking older than one feels is not always aligned with today's emphasis on well-being and personal care. Fortunately, the evolving landscape of aesthetic medicine provides effective solutions for those seeking rejuvenation.
At Zest Face + Body, our team of experts specializes in the unique challenges of male facial aging. Leveraging advanced injectable wrinkle relaxers, we address concerns ranging from fine lines to under-eye wrinkles, ensuring tailored and natural-looking results.

Understanding Male Facial Aging

With age, many men find themselves grappling with visible signs of facial aging, often feeling older than they feel. Several factors can contribute to the aging of the skin:

Ultraviolet Rays Exposure: Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can accelerate skin aging by causing damage to the skin cells. This is not exclusive to men but affects everyone.

Oxidative Stress: A decrease in the skin's antioxidant capacity can make it more susceptible to oxidative stress, contributing to premature aging.

Stress and Fatigue: Chronic stress and fatigue have been linked to signs of premature aging. External pressures from work or personal challenges can indeed have an impact on the skin.
When considering anti-aging treatments, such as wrinkle relaxers, it's essential to understand that results can vary based on an individual's facial anatomy. 

Men may require different approaches or dosages compared to women due to differences in facial muscle mass and skin structure. However, the effectiveness of these treatments often relies heavily on the expertise of the practitioner and the specific needs being addressed.

Common Signs of Male Facial Aging

  • Forehead: Wrinkles and fine lines begin to manifest, especially when making facial expressions such as raising the eyebrows.
  • Glabellar Lines: Often referred to as the "11 lines," these vertical creases between the eyebrows are telltale signs of aging.
    Crows Feet: Lines that emerge from the corners of the eyes; these become more pronounced with age, altering the natural appearance.
  • Nasolabial Folds: Running from the sides of the nose down to the mouth corners, these folds deepen over time, adding years to one's appearance.
  • Marionette Lines: These lines stretch from the mouth corners down towards the chin.
  • Cheek Folds: The cheeks may lose volume with age, leading to noticeable folds.
  • Chin and Jawline: Sagging skin in these areas can lead to jowls, which give the lower face an aged look.
  • Neck: The skin here may sag, developing wrinkles and neck bands indicative of aging.
  • Eye Bags: Under-eye puffiness or bags can make men appear constantly fatigued and older than they truly are.
  • Thin Lips: Over time, lips may lose their volume, appearing thinner and less defined.

What Are Wrinkle Relaxers?

Wrinkle relaxers for men are injectables that help relax the muscles under the skin to control and relax the movement of fine lines and wrinkles. Our experts inject wrinkle relaxers into the muscle, resulting in a smoother and younger look. 
After assessing the treatment area, our experts recommend the most suitable treatment method, taking into account both clinical considerations and the patient's preferences. You can choose from Botox, Xeomin, or Dysport treatments. These options typically begin to show results within a few days to two weeks, with effects lasting for several months.

We advise our patients to come for a post-treatment evaluation to determine the best way forward. Since wrinkle relaxers don't last forever, it's advisable to come for regular injections every 3-4 months to maintain a younger and more confident look. 


Benefits of Wrinkle Relaxers for Men

Wrinkle relaxers for men are increasingly becoming a popular cosmetic treatment option, as men are more open to undergoing non-surgical procedures that enhance their look. This means it attracts a lot of benefits, which you should take advantage of. Some of the benefits of using this cosmetic treatment, which should convince you to try it out, include the following:

Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Looking older because of wrinkles and fine lines that appear on your body can interfere with your confidence. They can also embarrass you when you laugh, raise your eyebrows, or frown as you age. 

After receiving the wrinkle relaxer for men, this will be a thing of the past. The treatment will help you restore your lost confidence after smoothing the lines and wrinkles. It makes the wrinkles and frown lines on the forehead, between the eyebrows, and around the eyes disappear for a youthful look.

Quick and Non-Invasive Procedure

One of the advantages of wrinkle treatment for men is its efficiency, often completed in under 30 minutes. Our practitioners ensure you are both mentally and physically prepared for the injection, and the entire procedure is wrapped up on the same day. The procedure is minimally invasive, meaning that the injection causes minimal discomfort - only a small pinch is felt.

Natural-Looking Results

Worried about looking "overdone"? No stress! Our fine-line treatments give your skin a fresh and natural boost. We aim for a subtle, youthful look—no frozen faces here! It's so seamless that folks might notice your glow-up, but they won't spot the treatment behind it.

Suitable for All Skin Types and Tones

Anyone can undergo this procedure, as the anti-aging treatments for men are suitable for any skin type or skin tone. All you need to do is book a consultation with our professionals to understand your skin type. Then, choose the preferred treatment option that suits your skin type and gets you the desired look. 

Customizable Treatment

Wrinkle relaxers for men allow for customizable treatment where you decide the best treatment option. You can tell us the outcome you'd wish to have, and the experts will work toward achieving your skin care goals without looking overdone.

Correct Scar and Acne Marks

Men who notice visible wrinkles may consider wrinkle relaxers as a viable solution. Beyond just aesthetics, untreated wrinkles can sometimes impact one's self-confidence in various roles and situations.

However, there are several considerations to determine candidacy for this treatment:

1. Age-Related Considerations:
Typically, men between the ages of 18 and 30 may opt for this treatment to prevent the formation of deep-set wrinkles and maintain a youthful appearance. Wrinkles tend to become more prominent as collagen production diminishes, usually between the ages of 40-65. This decreased collagen can cause the skin to lose its smooth appearance over time.

2. Skin Concerns:
Factors such as prolonged sun exposure or smoking can lead to diminished skin elasticity, resulting in frown lines, crow's feet, or forehead wrinkles. Wrinkle relaxers can address these specific concerns, helping to rejuvenate the skin's appearance.

3. Health Conditions:
It's essential to ensure that one's skin is not allergic or reactive to the ingredients used in wrinkle relaxers. Our medical team will discuss your medical history and provide detailed information about the ingredients to ensure the treatment is safe for you.

4. Realistic Expectations:
Post-treatment, the goal is a refreshed, natural, and youthful appearance – not an "overdone" look. Patients must understand that the results are temporary, not permanent. Typically, maintenance treatments are recommended every 3 to 4 months to sustain the desired outcomes. Our team will guide you through this process, ensuring your treatment goals align with the expected results.

Wrinkle Relaxer Treatment Procedure

Wrinkle treatment for men occurs under qualified injectors who know what they're doing. The experts follow a given procedure to perform the treatment to ensure patients get the desired skin outcome. 

Our team follows the following steps to help our patients meet their goals.

The Consultation

First things first, let's have a chat. Are fine-line treatments right for you? We'll discuss your skin, your health history, and what you hope to achieve. Tell us about the look you're going for, and we'll tailor a plan just for you.

Preparing for the Procedure

Thinking about a beach holiday after? Book your treatment ahead! Let's also chat about the do's and don'ts leading up to your session. Like, maybe skip that wine or salty snack; they might make you swell or bruise more.

The Treatment Session

Here's where the magic happens! First, we'll clean your skin. Not a fan of needles? We can numb the area for you. The injections? Quick and nearly painless.

Recovery and Follow-up

Give the treatment some time to work its magic. No heavy workouts or poking the treated spots. You'll start to see the results in about 2-3 weeks. We'll catch up again to see how things are looking and feeling.

Potential Side Effects

Anti-aging treatments for men have no adverse effects. However, after the procedure, expect to experience swelling, scarring, bruising, or allergic reaction to the medicine. We'll walk you through everything you might expect and give you tips to get the best out of your treatment.

Alternative Anti-Aging Options for Men

Since wrinkles make men appear older than they should, you can choose the following alternative options to look younger:

  • Use anti-wrinkle creams that improve your skin texture and increase collagen production in the body.
  • Skin resurfacing techniques like chemical peels or dermabrasion can also help you scrape away the layers of premature aging skin.
  • Facelifting surgery can help remove excess fat or skin and tighten the tissue layers for a younger look.
  • Fillers can also lift folds and wrinkles, giving you youthful skin.

The Zest Face + Body Difference

Ready to address those unwanted wrinkles and boost your confidence? Our team at Zest Face + Body is here to guide you every step of the way. Schedule a consultation with our experts today to discuss your goals and discover the best treatment options for you. It's time to embrace a refreshed, natural-looking you.