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How Does PRP Therapy Work | Blog | Zest Face + Body

Written by ZEST | Nov 17, 2023 4:12:33 PM

PRP, which stands for Platelet-Rich Plasma, is a form of effective skin care therapy that has grown in popularity since its development, specifically due to its impressive anti-aging results  and low chance for adverse reactions. Zest Clinic is one of Canada’s most trusted sources for advanced skin treatments, including PRP therapy, in our state-of-the-art clinic.

Understanding PRP Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma therapy promotes skin rejuvenation by harnessing the power of your own blood to heal superficial and deep tissue. By placing your blood in a centrifuge, platelets are separated and injected back into your body to promote collagen production and address aging skin concerns, such as:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Uneven tone or texture.
  • Under eye darkness. 
  • Acne and scarring
PRP is also well-known for its hair-restoring properties on the scalp and beard area, maintaining its status as one of the most versatile and effective treatments available today. Since PRP is derived from the patient’s blood, it is a natural and safe treatment option that will make you look and feel your best.

The Science Behind PRP’s Anti-Aging Effects

PRP is a cutting-edge biological therapy that harnesses the power of your own blood to enhance the healing and rejuvenation of tissues. Due to the rich concentration of growth factors and regenerative properties in the platelets, PRP stimulates the body's natural healing processes to enhance the appearance of younger-looking skin and voluminous hair.


The PRP Treatment Process at Zest Clinic

This innovative treatment is performed at the Zest Clinic by drawing a small blood sample, processing it to concentrate the platelets, and then strategically reinjecting it into the area for rejuvenation and hair restoration. The treatment will make you feel slightly swollen, and the effects will subside in 2 days. We recommend pairing this treatment with products that mimic growth factors to help maintain your results.

Zest Clinic’s skilled practitioners utilize state-of-the-art equipment in our comfortable, welcoming facilities to target areas of concern and provide you with detailed PRP rejuvenation. 

Anti-Aging Benefits of PRP Therapy

PRP offers many treatment benefits and can effectively address skin laxity, fine lines and wrinkles, uneven texture, under-eye darkness, and hollowness and strengthen hair follicles. This treatment can be combined with Microneedling or those undergoing hair transplants to enhance your results and reduce downtime.

While people often view PRP as a hair restoration procedure exclusively, it is renowned in the MedSpa world as one of the top treatments for skin rejuvenation, addressing acne scars, wrinkles, fine lines, and textured skin with safety and effectiveness.

Customized PRP Treatment Plans for Mature Skin

Zest Clinic tailors our Platelet-Rich Plasma rejuvenating treatments to every client’s unique skin concerns. During your consultation, our talented, esteemed team will detail how different concentrations and techniques they utilize can help address your individual skin issues. We take pride in our personalized approach to all skin treatment plans so you can achieve optimal results.

PRP Therapy for Skin Rejuvenation

PRP therapy is used for skin rejuvenation and reducing signs of aging because its growth factors encourage collagen production and improve skin texture, diminishing the appearance of those pesky fine lines and making dull skin glow. Zest Clinic’s advanced techniques and personalized approach to your PRP appointment maximize the benefits of this rejuvenating skin treatment.

PRP Therapy for Hair Restoration

Platelet-Rich Plasma is a highly effective and sought-after solution for combatting hair loss and restoring thinning hair. PRP promotes thicker, healthier hair growth by stimulating the hair follicles and naturally rejuvenating your scalp with your own blood. Zest Clinic also offers advanced PRP treatments for hair loss, customized to your unique needs and concerns. 

Pain and Downtime of PRP

Due to PRP being an injectable procedure, there are often concerns about the effects it may have on the skin and body. Fortunately, PRP boasts very few pain-related concerns and no downtime. You can return to work immediately following your treatment so long as your work is not strenuous and does not involve much sweating or movement. 

The non-invasive nature of PRP therapy is the reason for the absence of downtime, and any discomfort you feel will quickly subside, along with any bruising or redness at the injection site. If you experience pain after the procedure lasting longer than a day, please contact the Zest Clinic team for a follow-up appointment to ensure you are healing properly.

Anti-Aging Results of PRP Treatment

The collagen and elastin stimulation process during and after your PRP therapy leads to gradual and long-lasting improvements in skin tone, texture, and concerns. If you receive PRP to address hair concerns, you will gradually see growth and thickness improve. Whether you receive PRP for skin rejuvenation or hair growth, you will begin to see optimal results at the 4-6 week mark following your treatment. Your PRP results will continue to last for the following 6-9 months, leaving you with effective results that will continue to impress. 

After your PRP treatment, we suggest you follow all aftercare instructions provided by the Zest team on how to care for your skin, hair, and/or body. Make sure to drink plenty of water, avoid certain medications, stop consuming alcohol and tobacco, and avoid situations or locations that will cause perspiration for the first week following your treatment. Set realistic expectations for your PRP results going into the treatment so you can fully enjoy your gradual improvements over the following weeks.

Who Can Benefit from PRP Therapy?

If you are interested in PRP for your hair or skin, you should first determine if you are a good candidate for the treatment. If you are in good health and are looking to rejuvenate either your hair thickness or diminish the appearance of aging skin concerns, you are inherently a good candidate for Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy. However, you should not seek out PRP if:

  • You smoke regularly and cannot quit before and after treatment.
  • You have diabetes, thyroid disease, or other chronic illnesses that will make your body less likely to respond to treatment.
  • You have realistic expectations going into your Zest session. 

This is one of the safest procedures available due to using your blood to eliminate the risk of adverse reactions. PRP is suitable for various ages and skin types and is known for its efficacy in preventative and corrective purposes. During your consultation, the Zest team will determine if you are a good candidate, but chances are you are ready for treatment.

Choosing Zest Clinic for PRP Therapy

Zest Clinic takes great pride in its expertise in administering PRP therapy in our state-of-the-art clinic, where we will always make you feel welcome and comfortable. Book a consultation at the Zest Clinic today to discuss your concerns, have your questions answered, and take your first step towards your journey of glowing refreshed skin.