The Zest Clinic Media

Invasive Facials Unmasked: Unveiling the Benefits

Written by ZEST | May 15, 2023 7:14:54 PM

ZEST offers many options for facials that are more invasive, meaning they may require some downtime. While these options may require needles or lasers, they are also stronger and more effective for long-lasting results to treat deep-set skin impurities. 

Ablative Lasers vs. Non-Ablative Lasers 

Ablative laser treatments remove the top layer of skin to reduce wrinkles, acne scars, sun damage, discoloration and other skin imperfections. The treatment stimulates collagen production, which produces firmer skin over time. 

Ablative lasers have a longer  recovery period because the epidermis is compromised but this can provide dramatic results quicker with less treatments. However, they can also cause significant discomfort during the procedure. 

Non-ablative lasers use heat energy to stimulate collagen growth without removing the top layer of the skin. This makes them less invasive than ablative lasers, with less downtime afterwards. They are better suited for someone who wants more gradual  changes in appearance with minimal discomfort during the procedure. 

At ZEST, we provide different laser treatments that are fractionally ablative and non-ablative. Fractionally ablative remove only a fraction of the top layers of the skin, therefore the untreated skin will help heal the laser treated skin. 

Clear + Brilliant

A Clear + Brilliant treatment begins with a consultation, like any treatment at the ZEST clinic. Then, topical numbing cream will be applied to your face for additional comfort and the Clear + Brilliant handpiece will be placed on the target area to treat your skin for 15-20 minutes. Hundreds of thousands of microscopic zones are created in the upper layers of the skin so healthy, new skin can replace the old skin. 

RF Microneedling vs. Microneedling

Clients of ZEST love the results of microneedling, a minimally invasive procedure. Tiny needles puncture the skin's surface, which helps stimulate collagen production for firmer-looking skin over time. The small needle punctures create micro-channels which allow topical creams or serums to penetrate deeper into your skin for optimal results. Correcting the skin takes time, therefore it can take several weeks before you start seeing visible changes in your complexion, as it takes time for new collagen to be produced. 

On the other hand, RF microneedling uses heat energy combined with tiny needles that penetrate deep into your pores to stimulate collagen production while providing instant tightening effects due to its thermal energy delivery system, which helps improve fine lines while lifting sagging skin around your jawline or cheeks area. Sometimes, two energy modalities are better than one!

PRP Treatment

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy has been gaining popularity as an alternative treatment method for rejuvenating tired-looking skin on your face or body area due to aging. 

It utilizes growth factors found naturally in our own blood cells, which help promote cell regeneration when injected directly into areas needing freshening up, such as frown lines around the eyes or forehead wrinkles.

It requires no surgery or anesthesia, so it's much safer than traditional methods like facelifts. Plus, it's natural, so there's no risk of allergic reactions from synthetic products too.

PRP usually requires several sessions spaced out every couple of months depending on individual needs, but results typically last up to two years before needing touch-ups again! 

Wrinkle Relaxers

This quick and easy injectable treatment uses a Botulinum Toxin that works to relax muscles that cause wrinkles in places like brow furrows and crow's feet. ZEST offers wrinkle relaxers in the form of Dysport or Botox

This painless treatment will leave you with no downtime. You may experience some bruising and small bumps at the injection site, but that is totally normal and will resolve in a few days. We recommend not going to the gym for a few hours after the procedure.

Choose ZEST for Your Next Facial

All these treatments have their own unique advantages – it all depends on your individual goals for how you want to improve the health and appearance of your face! If you're ready to take the next step towards achieving beautiful and healthy skin, book your consultation today with ZEST.