The Zest Clinic Media

Effective Treatments For Common Body Concerns | Zest Face + Body Clinic

Written by ZEST | May 15, 2023 7:08:02 PM

We all have those areas on our body that we wish to improve, whether excess fat, cellulite, or wrinkles. However, the right treatments can address these concerns and achieve the body confidence you dream of. At ZEST, we offer a range of safe and effective treatments to help you achieve your goals. This article will explore some of the most common body concerns and the treatments we recommend to help you achieve your ideal look. 


If you want to achieve your dream figure and get rid of stubborn fat, CoolSculpting can help with all of your contouring goals. CoolSculpting works by targeting, freezing, and eliminating fat cells from areas like under the chin, neck, legs, abdomen, arms, back, and buttocks. If you’re happy with your weight but want to eliminate stubborn pockets of fat that are difficult to eliminate with diet and exercise alone, this treatment is for you.

As fat cells die, the inflammatory process naturally removes them through the lymphatic system over the course of months, leaving you with long-lasting results that require no surgery, needles, or downtime. 


Many people, especially as we age, struggle with stubborn fat under the chin or neck area, resulting in a sagging, puffy appearance. BelkyraTM is a great treatment solution if you feel self-conscious about these specific pockets of fat. BelkyraTM’s longevity is its leading advantage, permanently destroying fat cells beneath the chin. 

BelkyraTM treatments specifically target under the chin, where fullness can result in a double chin or a sagging neck. BelkyraTM destroys stubborn fat cells and eliminates chin fullness without anesthetic or incisions. 


If you have fine lines and wrinkles, as many people do, neuromodulators and fillers can be a quick, efficient solution to reverse signs of aging. Neuromodulators refer to injectable wrinkle-relaxers that utilize botulinum toxin, such as Botox, Dysport, Nuceiva, Jeuveau, or Xeomin fillers, all used to treat fine lines and wrinkles.

These fillers are the most commonly used botulinum toxin neuromodulators to treat frown lines, wrinkles, and crow’s feet. Once the neuromodulator is injected into the underlying muscle, the muscle relaxes and smooths out the appearance of the skin.


Whether you’re looking for a temporary refresh with dermal fillers or a longer-lasting option like permanent bio-fillers, many injectable options are available.

Temporary Dermal Fillers 

There are three types of temporary dermal fillers: hyaluronic acid-based fillers, collagen-based fillers, and calcium hydroxylapatite fillers. Temporary fillers can last six months to one year, depending on the number of injections you receive. You can decide how often you want a temporary dermal filler treatment and choose from several types of fillers until you find one you like. The treatment is minimally invasive, quick, and has minimal recovery time.

Long-Lasting Dermal Fillers

Sculptra Aesthetic and Radiesse are injectable bio-fillers which help replace lost collagen. Sculptra and Radiesse are used in a diluted form to offer overall skin rejuvenation, but Radiesse can also be used in its non-diluted form to provide structural support in the jawline and cheeks.

The difference between bio-filler and dermal filler is that dermal fillers are hyaluronic acid-based, and white bio-fillers are poly-L-Lactic acid-based or Calcium Hydroxyapatite-based. Bio-fillers stimulate the formation of our own structural tissues and can replace volume loss, restoring a youthful complexion. Bio-fillers are popular when addressing sagging, tone, texture, complexion, and hydration. The effects can last up to 6 months.

Treat Your Concerns at ZEST

The ZEST quiz will help us get to know you - your beauty hopes, aspirations, lifestyle and more. After you take our quiz, we’ll create a custom plan that will help you reach your optimal results now, and in the future. Then, we’ll work within your goals, your budget and your needs, and we’ll give you honest advice. Book your consultation today for a rejuvenated look and feel to your skin and body.